The Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center, CIC nanoGUNE, located in Donostia / San Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain), is currently looking for a
Master Student
to work on
Predicting new methods of cost-effective nanomaterial sorting: chirality control of carbon nanotubes
After many years of laborious and costly investigations, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are finally on the verge of practical application. Owing to their unique features, they are applicable in the fields of electronics (nanocircuits, field-effect transistors), photonics (quantum computing, cryptography, and telecommunication) and medicine (op-tical sensors for diagnostics), among others. Beyond a doubt, these opportunities would not materialize without developing an arsenal of SWCNT sorting techniques. While separating metallic SWCNTs from semiconducting SWCNTs is not problematic, the lack of efficient differentiation methods between semiconducting SWCNTs (s-SWCNTs) remains the main obstacle hampering SWCNTs’ implementation in real life. The aim of the project is to find new conjugated polymers that will enable efficient sorting of small s-SWCNTs by means of molecular dynamic (MD) and time-step force-bias Monte Carlo (MC) simulations combined with density functional tight binding method (DFTB) calculations with close collaboration with experimental group.

Candidates should apply by completing the form below and attaching the following documents:
- A complete CV and academic record
- A motivation letter is also recommended
The deadline for applications is 29/02/2024.
(i) All applicants will receive an answer after the end of the selection process; but please note that due to the large number of submissions that are expected, we cannot provide individual feedback.
(ii) Additional information about nanoGUNE's commitment towards HR excellence in Research and Gender Equality are available on our website.
(iii) We encourage you to subscribe to our HR mailing list to receive information related to nanoGUNE's open positions and open calls for different training and talent attraction programs.