
Tipo Convocatoria: Recursos Humanos

Información de la Convocatoria

PhD on liquid biopsy by plasmonic biosensing

Presentación de Solicitudes

Desde: 19/10/2018 (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

Hasta: 21/10/2018 (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris


The Nanoengineering Group at the CIC nanoGUNE Research Center in San Sebastian (Spain) is currently looking for a motivated

PhD Student
(Physicists, Chemists, Material Scientists, or Engineers in related fields)

who is interested in applying the Spanish Competitive PhD Grants (FPU), which is expected to be opened from 09/10/2018 to 29/10/2018. The candidate will work in an international and interdisciplinary team ( and will participate in an inspiring cooperative research project with two external partners. The overall goal of the project is the establishment of a liquid biopsy by plasmonic biosensing. Additionally, the method can be implemented for food control and measurement of environmental conditions. The idea is to optimize all aspects of a plasmonic sensing platform to optimize sensitivity, resolution and limit of detection. The main tasks of the candidate will focus on

    •    The development of nanostructured and self-assembled surfaces of noble metals by typical cleanroom fabrication      services
    •    Design and fabrication of microfluidic devices comprising chambers and channels
    •    Biofunctionalization of microfluidic chips
    •    Characterization of components and processes
    •    Plasmonic sensing of biomolecules including data analysis 

Candidates should have outstanding academic records and must accomplish the bases of the FPU grant. Additionally, they should have a background in physics, chemistry, materials science or related engineering fields. Experience in one or more of the following fields would be preferred but is not a prerequisite: nanofabrication and lithography, biofunctionalization, microfluidics, optics, photonics, plasmonics. Applications should include a letter of motivation and interests, complete CV and academic record. Enquiries and applications should be sent to Dr Jaione Etxebarria, and cc’d to Dr Andreas Seifert (, indicating FPU-predoc in the subject of the email.

DEADLINE: October 21st 2018.

CIC nanoGUNE is a Research & Development Center, located in San Sebastian (Basque Country, Spain), with the mission of conducting basic and applied worldclass research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, fostering training and education excellence, and supporting the growth of a nanotechnology-based industry.

For more information:
    •    Programa FPU 2018 
mecd/catalogo/general/educacion/998758 /ficha/998758-2018.html




Bases de la Convocatoria