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PhD in 2D spintronics - QuESTech ITN

Presentación de Solicitudes

Desde: 06/11/2017 (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

Hasta: 31/12/2017 (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris


The Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center CIC nanoGUNE, created with the mission of conducting world-class nanoscience research for the competitive growth of the Basque Country and recently recognized as a "María de Maeztu" Excellence Unit (2017-2021), is currently looking for a


to work on

PhD in metal/2D spintonics

This research will be part of QuESTech (Quantum Electronics Science and Technology training), an Innovative Training Network funded by the EU ( The project is entitled "Spin-to-charge conversion in strong spin-orbit coupling systems".

An ultimate goal of spintronics is to be able to create and manipulate spin currents without the need of any ferromagnetic materials and in this context the spin Hall effect, which transforms an electrical current into a spin current, has been the main mechanism to be studied. Novel spin-orbit coupling related effects, which are potentially more efficient than the SHE, have been recently discovered. The objective of this project is to explore, understand, and improve some of these effects.

The Nanodevices group, led by Prof. Fèlix Casanova and Prof. Luis E. Hueso is currently composed of 20 members including senior and junior researchers. The group counts with extensive research facilities for fabrication and characterization of devices. Our group is interested in electronic properties in reduced dimensions, with several active research lines spanning from nanofabrication to 2D electronics, with a special emphasis on spintronics. More information can be found at

As an example related to this specific position here advertised, a selection of recent work on spintronics / spin orbitronics which our team has led can be found in the following articles: Nature Communications 8, 661 (2017); Nature Communications 7, 13372 (2016); Physical Review B 94, 060412(2016); Physical Review B 93, 014420 (2016); Physical Review Letters 116, 016603 (2016).

The successful candidate will have a completed master degree in Physics, Applied Physics or related discipline and may not have resided more than 12 months in the last 3 years in Spain. Female Early Stage Research (ESR) candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. We aim to recruit at least 40% female ESRs within the QuESTech project.

Experience on the following techniques will be valued:

  • Thin film growth (sputtering, evaporation, etc.)
  • Exfoliation and transfer of 2D layered materials
  • Nanofabrication processes (lithographies, etching, etc.)
  • Characterization techniques (X-ray diffraction, SEM, etc.)
  • Magnetotransport techniques (magnetoresistance, Hall Effect, etc.)

In particular, the researcher will study promising methods that exploit the spin-orbit coupling to create pure spin current, such as the spin Hall effect in heavy metals, the Rashba-Edelstein effect at 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures, or the spin-momentum locking at topological insulators. These systems should provide a novel exciting way of playing with the spin-charge inter-conversion. The research will require the nanofabrication of devices (thin film deposition, electron-beam lithography, etching), together with their magnetotransport measurements (high magnetic fields and low temperatures).

We offer an international and competitive environment, state-of-the-art equipment, and the possibility of performing research at the highest level. The position is expected to start on 2018-01-01 and for a total length of up to 36 months. The contract will be financed by the QuESTech project (project ID 766025) of the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 call.

The candidates should apply by completing the form below, attaching: 

a) A complete CV

b) A cover letter and at least two reference letters.

The deadline for applications is 31/12/2017



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